Thursday, 27 May 2010

Puff Piece

I've been reading a lot of David peace recently. It seems I'm very much in the minority when it comes to the Heritage Research blog love. I'm in the overblown hoarse from hollering vocal majority in my love for Oi Polloi though. I simply wouldn't dress the way I do without them. I happened in there 3 years ago a scruffy graduate looking for a new winter coat and three years later I have the temerity to slag off anyone paying THIS for an 'ironic' worker belt.

Oi Polloi changed the way I dress myself and probably a lot of the post britpop/casual lads style my generation in Manchester have been lumbered with. More so for having the confidence to stock stuff lazy bloggers have nothing better than to slag off. Set trends don't follow them etcetcetc.

In the last few weeks alone they've stocked great garms from brands I've never even heard of. Svennson (dare I spot the waffle knit trend on the horizon?), Luke Simon, Seil Marschall blah blah blah. Derivative competitors will be stocking them in 6 months. Set trends don't follow them etcetcetc. All very much a sign that the buying is as obsessive, committed and geeky as the clientèle. I hate to think of the dastardly deeds brands PRs play on them such is the influence of being stocked by them now.

Anyway I've been far too nice. I'm off to burn pictures of Ronson. Set trends don't follow them etcetcetc. I've been reading a lot of David peace recently. Hacks copy. Genius Steals.

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